Yuri!!! on Ice (Japanese: ユーリ!!! on ICE) is a Japanese sports anime television series about figure skating. This anime is produced by MAPPA, directed by Sayo Yamamoto and written by Mitsurou Kubo, with character designs by Tadashi Hiramatsu, music by Taro Umebayashi and Taku Matsushiba, and figure skating choreography by Kenji Miyamoto. The opening theme is "History Maker" by Dean Fujioka, while the ending theme is "You Only Live Once" by Wataru Hatano. Yuri!!! On Ice was released on October 5, 2016.
Yuri!!! on Ice follows a Japanese figure skater named Yuuri Katsuki following his crushing defeat at the ISU Grand Prix Final in Sochi, Russia. As Yuuri becomes mixed over his feelings about figure skating, among the other troubles in his life, he goes to an ice rink and perfectly mimics Russian figure skater Victor Nikiforov's free skate program from the current season. When footage of Yuuri's performance is uploaded to the internet, it catches Victor's attention, causing him to decide to take a season off to become Yuuri's coach and bring him to victory at the Grand Prix Final.
- Yuuri Katsuki
- Yuri Plisetsky
- Victor Nikiforov
- Yuuko Nishigori
- Takeshi Nishigori
- Minako Okukawa
- More characters...
- Easy as Pirozhki!! The Grand Prix Final of Tears
- Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-topia!
- I am Eros, and Eros is Me!? Face Off! Hot Springs on Ice
- Like Yourself... And Complete the Free Program!!
- Face Beet-Red!! It's the First Competition! The Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship
- China's On! The Grand Prix Series Opening Event!! The Cup of China Short Program
- China's On! The Grand Prix Series Opening Event!! The Cup of China Free Skate
- Yuuri vs Yuri The Horror!! Rostelecom Cup, Short Program
- Yuuri vs Yuri The Horror!! Rostelecom Cup, Free Skate
- Gotta Supercharge It! Pre-Grand Prix Final Special!
- Gotta Super-Supercharge it!! Grand Prix Final Short Program
- Gotta Super-Super-Supercharge it!! Grand Prix Final Free Skate